Gipping Valley Angling Club
Terms & Conditions


1. All litter to be taken home or disposed of appropriately (including cigarette butts).

2. Anglers must clear their pegs of litter before fishing, where safe to do so.

3. All fish to be handled with wet hands or via a wet landing net (the use of towels, cloths, etc. to
restrain fish is STRICTLY prohibited).

4. Permits must be carried at all times whilst on GVAC waters.

5. No more than two anglers and two rods* in use per swim. (*Three rods may be used from 1st
October and 31st March inclusive, on Needham Lake only.)

6. No fish shall be introduced or removed by anyone other than as authorised by the Management

7. No person shall interfere with, or disturb any wildlife on GVAC waters.

8. Anglers aged under 12 years must be accompanied/supervised at all times by a permit-holding adult
(no more than two under-12s per adult, fishing from the same/adjacent swim only), or overseen by
licensed coaches/designated helpers.

9. Bailiffs are authorised to inspect all tackle as they see fit. Should GVAC’s Rules and Regulations not
be observed, anglers may be asked to leave the site and their membership may be revoked.

10. All anglers shall have in their possession suitable and appropriate unhooking equipment (a Slamo
disgorger or similar recommended in addition to the pencil type, and large forceps for pike).

11. When pike/predator fishing, the use of only dead sea fish or artificial lures are permitted.

12. Whilst fishing, anglers must remain within 2 metres of their baited rods. No lines are to be left
unattended in the water or baited on the bank.

13. Minimum keepnet dimensions shall be 2.5 metres (8 feet) by 0.45 metres (18 inches). Nets shall be
knotless, and where carp are to be retained, shall be of appropriate construction incorporating
approved carp-safe material.

14. No fish over 8lb to be retained in keepnets, except in matches (see Match Rules). In any event, fish
are not to be retained in keepnets for more than six hours.

15. No more than 60lb of fish to be retained per keepnet on any GVAC venue (where keepnets

16. Barbed hooks are not to be used on GVAC waters, other than micro- or whisker-barbed, or ‘pinch

17. Pre-baiting is not permitted.

18. Members may approach other anglers only with due courtesy and consideration, and must ask
permission to do so.

19. Baits not permitted: All boilies (except at Needham Lake) and all nuts.

20. Maximum two kilos of groundbait per angler, per five-hour session.

21. Surface fishing is not permitted on GVAC waters and feeding of floating baits is prohibited. At
Needham Lake, all baits must be fished at least 24 inches (60cm) below the surface in the interests
of wildfowl safety.

22. No overnight bivvies or camping. No Fires.

Fishing on all GVAC waters is only permitted between Dawn and Dusk. Fires and/or camping are not

23. No radios or audible devices, unless used with personal earphones.

24. The Management Committee reserves the right to close any GVAC venue for matches, coaching or
teach-ins, or in respect of maintenance or redevelopment purposes.

25. Pike and Zander
Angling for these species permitted only from 1st October to 31st March inclusive. The following
tackle is required: minimum 12lb line with suitably powerful rod; landing net at least 60cm (2 feet)
across; appropriate unhooking equipment (large mat, long forceps, long-nosed pliers and side
cutters) — the use of pike gags is strictly prohibited. A wire trace must be used at all times, with
barbless or semi-barbed hooks hooks only (barbless or crimped barbs on artificial lures).

26. Specimen anglers must use an unhooking mat, suitable rod and line, and specimen-sized landing

27. No bait boats. No other artificial, mechanical or digital aids of similar description (fish finders are
permitted whilst pleasure fishing only).

28. Trapping devices and/or vermin-control equipment, in or out of the water, must not be interfered with.
Such equipment may be operated only by, or checked by persons authorised by the Management

29. Fishing is permitted from numbered and/or recognised pegs only on GVAC stillwaters, or as
designated by licensed coaches.

30. The consumption of alcohol and/or taking/use of drugs (other than prescription drugs) on GVAC
waters are strictly prohibited.

31. On all GVAC waters a landing net must be used to land fish (of all species) estimated to weigh 4oz
or more.

Special Rules for River Gipping Adjacent to Needham Lake
Strictly no angling downriver of the footbridge. 
The club-controlled stretch of the Gipping in Needham Market is as follows: 
The stretch along the south bank that runs adjacent to the lake (i.e., adjacent to approximately peg 28 of the lake),
upriver into King's Meadow; and those designated pegs on the north bank beside the picnic site (restaurant side) where notices are positioned.
Whilst much of the river through the town is free fishing,
members should also note the privately owned stretch that runs from just after the sharp,
left-hand bend to approximately where the houses on the far bank begin;
and that above Alder Carr bridge as far as the weir.

Special Rules for Needham Lake

Fishing is permitted from numbered/recognised pegs with metal platform or of wooden construction only,
i.e. 1–28, those along the railway side bank (from and including the wooden disabled anglers’ platform nearest the car park to as far as the nature reserve),
and the much shorter stretch along the river side bank (from east of the nature reserve to as far as peg 28,
about half way down the lake bank on the river side).
Anglers may not cast their lines more than 15 metres towards the car park from pegs 1 and 28,
i.e., to their right and left, respectively.

Special Rules for Manor Farm Lakes, Battisford
Parking on the track between the lakes is now permitted
Anglers must respect the privacy of the occupiers of the two houses that overlook this venue.

Special Rules for Barking
In the interests of fish welfare, the use of keepnets is not permitted \
on this lake from 1st April to 15th June each year (inclusive).  
Cars may no longer be driven or parked along the banks of either lake,
unless expressly permitted to do so.
There are no day ticket sales for this venue



1. Name
The organisation shall be called Gipping Valley Angling Club, hereafter referred to as GVAC.

2. Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of GVAC will be:
To provide coarse angling facilities for its members.
To offer coaching and competitive opportunities in coarse angling.
To promote the sport of angling and GVAC within the local community.
To manage GVAC’s fisheries.
To ensure a duty of care to all members of GVAC.
To provide all its services in a way that is accessible and fair to everyone. GVAC have
adopted the Angling Development Board’s (or equivalent) Child Protection Policy and their
Equity Policy. It is GVAC’s intent that children, young people and vulnerable adults will find
coarse angling a safe environment in which they can have fun, learn and develop.

3. Management
The affairs of GVAC shall be controlled by a Management Committee consisting of at least
seven, and not more than fourteen members. The Management Committee will include a
Chairperson, Vice Chair, General Secretary, Treasurer, Welfare Officer, Match Secretary and
any other title/position as deemed necessary by the Management Committee.
The Management Committee shall be elected/re-elected annually at the Annual General
Meeting (AGM).
All members of the Management Committee will retire each year, but will be eligible for reappointment.
In the event of a vacancy arising in the Management Committee during the course of a year,
this shall be filled or left vacant at the discretion of the Management Committee.
The Management Committee meetings will be convened at least quarterly.
The quorum required for business to be agreed at Management Committee meetings will be at
least five members of the Management Committee. Each member of the Management
Committee shall exercise one vote. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairperson shall have the
casting vote.
The Management Committee will be responsible for adopting new policies and codes of
practice that affect the organisation of GVAC, including a written Volunteer Policy.
The Management Committee will have powers to appoint sub-committees as necessary, and
appoint advisers to the Management Committee as required to fulfil its business.
The Management Committee is empowered to appoint an Honorary President (Presidents) to
act as an ambassador (ambassadors) for GVAC. An Honorary President (Presidents) shall be
entitled to attend Management Committee meetings, but will not have any voting rights. An
Honorary President (Presidents) shall, however, have the authority to call an Extraordinary
General Meeting (EGM), at any time, should they see fit to do so, in the best interests of
GVAC and its core values. Members of the Management Committee shall be accountable to
the Honorary President (Presidents), and the members of GVAC.
The Management Committee will be responsible for disciplinary hearings of members (or
Honorary Members) who infringe GVAC Rules and Regulations, or the Constitution. The
Management Committee will be responsible for taking any disciplinary action required,
including the suspension or expulsion of members (or Honorary Members), following such
GVAC and its Management Committee accept no responsibility for accidents, injury to persons
or damage to property.
Members of GVAC’s Management Committee shall not incur any personal liability for any
duties properly carried out on behalf of GVAC.

4. Membership
Membership of GVAC is open to any person, regardless of race, gender, age or ability, who
completes a membership application form and pays the relevant subscription/joining fee
proposed by the Management Committee and presented at the AGM/EGM. A valid rod licence
may be requested at the time of application for, or renewal of membership.
From time to time, the Management Committee may propose that Honorary Membership be
awarded to a member in recognition of outstanding service or contribution to GVAC. Any such
proposal will be voted on at an AGM/EGM.
Any person joining GVAC shall do so on the understanding that they will adhere to the Rules
and Regulations of GVAC, and at all times will support, and accept the decisions of the
Management Committee. The Management Committee shall have the right to refuse
membership applications from individuals, after considering the best interests of GVAC and its
core values. The Management Committee shall also have the right to retrospectively revoke
membership applications, after considering the best interests of GVAC and its core values.
Any member bringing GVAC into disrepute may be suspended or expelled.

5. Membership fees
Membership fees and categories will be determined by the Management Committee. The
membership year will run as determined by the Management Committee.
For the purposes of determining age for membership categories, GVAC will assess members’
ages as at 1st January each year, or at the date of application for membership if later.

6. Finance
All GVAC monies will be banked in an account (or accounts) held in the name of GVAC.
The financial year of GVAC will end at the time of the AGM.
The Treasurer will keep accurate records of GVAC’s finances and will present a statement of
annual accounts at the AGM.
Any cheques drawn against GVAC funds should hold the signatures of the Treasurer and one
other authorised member of the Management Committee.
Confidential information pertaining to leases, rental agreements or other similar contracts will
not be divulged to any persons other than members of the Management Committee.

7. Annual General Meetings
Notice of AGMs will be given by the General Secretary to all members at least 42 clear days in
At AGMs, reports from the Management Committee will be presented, including a statement of
Nominations for officers of the Management Committee must be sent to the General Secretary
at least 28 days before the AGM.
Election of the Management Committee will take place at the AGM.
All Members (and Honorary Members) have the right to vote at the AGM.
All changes to GVAC’s Rules, Regulations and Constitution shall be made at the AGM.
However, the Management Committee is empowered to impose temporary or emergency rules
and regulations during the course of the year in the interests of fish welfare, its fisheries and/or
the membership.
The Management Committee has the right to call an EGM. Procedures for EGMs will be the
same as for AGMs.

8. Discipline and Appeals
All concerns, allegations or reports of poor practice/abuse relating to the welfare of children,
young people or other vulnerable participants will be recorded and responded to swiftly and
appropriately in accordance with GVAC’s Child Protection Policy. All such concerns and
allegations shall be referred to the Police, Social Services or other relevant organisations.
The GVAC Welfare Officer is the lead contact for all members in the event of any child
protection concerns. This position will be filled by an individual who has received suitable
training and attended a relevant course/workshop (courses or workshops).
All complaints regarding the behaviour of members should be presented and submitted, in
writing, to the General Secretary.

The Management Committee will meet to hear complaints within 30 days of such being
lodged. The Management Committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action,
including the termination of membership (or Honorary Membership).
The outcome of a disciplinary hearing should be notified in writing to the person who lodged
the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made, within seven days of
the hearing.
In this regard, there will be the right of written appeal to the Management Committee following
any disciplinary action being taken. The Management Committee will consider the appeal
within 30 days of the General Secretary receiving the appeal.

9. Dissolution
A resolution to dissolve GVAC can be passed only at an AGM or EGM, and by a majority vote
of at least two-thirds of the full members present.
In the event of dissolution, the Management Committee shall, at an agreed date, proceed to
realise the assets of GVAC and discharge all debts and liabilities, after which any remaining
assets will be given or transferred to another local voluntary organisation having similar
objectives to GVAC.

10. Amendments to the Constitution
This constitution can be amended only by a majority vote at an AGM/EGM.

11. Declaration
Gipping Valley Angling Club hereby adopts and accepts this Constitution as a current
operating guide in respect of the regulation of the actions of its members.